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Hello my name is Brian Bahr, we are certified to spray both open and closed cell foam. Are you tired of paying high utility rates, well spray foam is the new way of insulating your new house, shop, basement, house addition, the places for spray are to numerous to count. Spray foam will cut the costs of your heating and cooling bills. It is true that spray foam is higher up front but you will get your return back in 3-5 years. Spray foam preforms the same 100yrs from now as it does on day 1. Our 2lb closed cell is the only foam FEMA will allow in a flood plain and it is impervious to water.
We believe in spray foam for several reasons. It has a built in air barrier at 1 inch and a vapor barrier at 2' and it will keep out the wind during the worst blizzards. With our closed cell spray foam your building will be 300% stronger with 3 inches of closed cell.